
Welcome to our website which we hope you will find interesting and informative. Cliffsend is a village on the Isle of Thanet about 3km west of the coastal town of Ramsgate. It has had a Parish Council since 2003 and has 774 properties containing 1,527 electors and their families (2019).
Rather than repeat and update what is readily available elsewhere, please see the attached booklet - Cliffsend History - and/or visit the free encyclopedia Wikipedia for a brief history of the village and details of such things as amenities, governance, notable residents, transport at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliffsend.
You are welcome to come along to meetings (published on notice boards and website) and observe the deliberations of your Council, but these sessions are not collaborative open discussion forums. If there is anything you wish to be aired, please advise the Clerk prior to the meeting. There is also an opportunity within a 15 minute slot, for Public Questions but, without due notice, no decisions will be delivered on the night.
Apart from specific Parish Council matters, we will endeavour to bring you information of relevance and interest to our residents.